Praana Deep Quotes - free android app

Praana Deep Quotes

Requirements: Android 2.1+

Overview: Free android application for wonderful quotes with lot of good collection from various authors. Fits for every time use when needed. Lot of options to get a quote to suite your situation.




Quotes are precious pearls, the words of the wise and virtuous. Some quotes are so intelligent that they reveal everything about life in just one statement. Abraham Lincoln quoted saying: It is a pleasure to be able to quote lines to fit any occasion. Like your body, your mind also gets tired so refresh it by wise sayings. "Praana Deep quotes" is the collection of impressive quotes that will set your mood to high spirits.

In this app, you will find happy funny, interesting, oriental, esoteric, mood changing and must have quotes by great personalities such as Buddha, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King , Nelson Mandela , Margaret Thatcher, Albert Einstein, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi and many more. We happen to find some of the quotes which reveal the deeper meaning you read them the next time.

A special attempt is made to provide a separate section for the transcendental quotes for spiritual seekers. We hope that the collection will inspire you, entertain you and enlighten you.

Your feedback in the comments section is very much appreciated. Thank you.

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praanahex — Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:04 pm