Fraction Calculator Plus v2.2

Fraction Calculator Plus v2.2

Requirements: 2.2 and up

Overview:I'm Fraction Calculator Plus and I'm the best and easiest way to deal with everyday fraction problems. Whether you're checking homework, preparing recipes, or working on craft or even construction projects, I can help:


I'm Fraction Calculator Plus and I'm the best and easiest way to deal with everyday fraction problems. Whether you're checking homework, preparing recipes, or working on craft or even construction projects, I can help:

- Wish you could find the time to check your kids' math homework? Now checking fraction math takes just seconds.

- Need to adjust recipe quantities for a larger guest list? Let me adjust your cup and teaspoon quantities.

- Working on a craft or home project in inches? Stop double-or-triple calculating on paper - let me do it once, accurately.

I'm attractive and effective and I make great use of either a phone or tablet display:

- I show your calculations in crisp, clear, elegant type that you can read at-a-glance from a distance.

- My innovative triple keypad display lets you type fast! (entering three and three quarters takes just 3 taps!).

- Every fraction result gets automatically reduced to its simplest form to make your job easy.

- NEW! Every result is also shown in decimal to make conversion a breeze.

- It couldn't be easier to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions.

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* This space is the alternative to using the above fields. Read the "How to post a release" sticky and make the release manually.

wodeaigsq — Sat May 25, 2013 10:53 am