App Releases • CPU Spy Plus DONATE v0.5.60

CPU Spy Plus DONATE v0.5.60

Requirements: Android 2.1+

Overview: This is the DONATE version of CPU Spy Plus with the same features except for the ad banners.


This is a simple app to display the time the CPU spends in each frequency state. This can be a useful tool in diagnosing battery problems or tweaking your overclock settings. It also displays the current kernel information and some other CPU informations. The app is a massive upgrade of Brandon Valosek's version with a bunch of new features.

New Features:[*] For devices non compatible: deep sleep info available[*] Swipe gestures: horizontal swipe to show the most used settings[*] Now compatibility with the device can be tested: "App Test" menu item[*] Ability to reset/restore the timers when the cable is unplugged/plugged. thereshold customizable[*] Added infos about battery juice lost since last reset.[*] You can group togheter all the stats which percentage of use is under a customizable thereshold of.[*] Lots of UI changes:

- Swipe gestures: horizontal swipe to show the most used settings

- 2nd UI layout with buttons for the most used action(start/stop timer, refresh, hide states)

- infos on both partial and total time

- timer info: initial battery level and juice lost

- expandible content in main UI layout

- row in the graph for all the grouped freqs

- "Deep Sleep" can be showen/hidden [*] "Cpu Files" menu item to see the content of the files: affected_cups and time_in_state.[*] UI sounds[*] "Setting" menu to maximize the customization experience[*] Available language: english, italian, german, chinese (simplified and traditional)[*] "Idles states" informations with timers[*] and more...

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If you have any kind of PROBLEMS, please, contact me at so that I could solve/fix it.

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shadyweb — Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:53 pm